Dr. Chantal is a Qualified Supervisor for Florida Mental Health Counseling Interns, and offers both group and individual clinical supervision for interns in Broward County in her Plantation, Florida office.
How is Clinical Supervision Different with Dr. Chantal?
My approach to clinical supervision is similar to my approach to therapy. I believe that the goal of supervision is not simply to complete your required hours or to give competent care to your clients. What I teach interns is how to take their skills and their work to the next level. In addition to what you might normally receive from supervision (review of your cases, suggestions for treatment approaches or interventions, addressing countertransference, ethics guidance, etc)., in my supervision work I help you deal with real life complex questions that affect your clients. You'll learn how to balance indirect therapy approaches where you help the client find their own best answers, with more direct therapeutic interventions where you need to take a little more control for a short while to help reassure your client and give them hope, or to prevent them from causing irreversible damage to their relationships.
In my work with interns, I also incorporate training and clinical demonstrations from psychology's most renowned practitioners including Donald Michenbaum, Marsha Lineman, Irvin Yalom and others. I'll even teach you what I learned from Patch Adams!