"Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together" — Marilyn Monroe
Why Do Relationships End?
Relationships can break up for a number of reasons, such as:
- Trust issues: Most of us find it difficulty to fully trust in a relationship. As a result, we have a number of conscious and unconscious defense mechanisms to help ourselves feel emotionally safe. The problem is that often, these subtle ways of keeping ourselves protected tend to sabotage our relationships.
- Incompatibility and Lack of Understanding: Often times, partners have very different ways of interpreting the world and often mis-understanding each other's needs or are unsure of how to approach their differences.
- Communication Problems: Difficulties in communication can lead to resentment and conflict, which can often escalate. Sometimes, we are too quick to make assumptions about what our partner is communicating and this can lead to a lot of hurt feelings.
- Lack of Intimacy: Intimacy can be sexual, physical, and emotional. Difficulties in any area of intimacy can lead to relationship break-ups.
- Abuse: Verbal, emotional, physical, sexual, or financial abuse are also reasons why one partner might end a relationship.

What you can learn in Counseling for Relationship BreakUp:
When a relationship ends, there are several things that will help you cope, learn, grow, and heal. These include:
Coping with the Loss and Pain
Having professional guidance to cope with the loss and pain of relationship separation or break-up can be tremendously helpful. You can have someone by your side so that you do not feel so alone, learn what's "normal" to go through and what could be signs of something deeper, and get concrete strategies and skills who help you navigate the most difficult stages of the break-up.
Healing Yourself
Part of what leads us to co-create unsuccessful relationships is that we bring into them broken parts of ourselves that we either don't know are there or that we haven't learned how to heal. Our broken parts (we all have some by the way!) sabotage us in relationships. Therapy can help us understand our unhelpful relationship patterns and create new, healthier, habits and mindsets for intimacy and connection.
Moving On
Sometimes, a relationship just can't be put back together and we need to figure out how to move on. Counseling can help with that is a variety of ways, including:
- Figuring out what went wrong in the first place;
- Learning to comfort and love yourself;
- Developing better relationship and communication skills.

Ready to Get Started? We're Here to Help!
Just click the button below, or call us at 954-559-2936. Our super friendly receptionist will help you make and appointment with Dr. Chantal or another clinician on our team.