Autism Screening and Diagnosis

In Plantation, Florida, serving Broward County, our exceptional team of professionals is dedicated to assessing and diagnosing Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in individuals of all ages, from toddlers to adults. Our roster includes experts in developmental psychology, early childhood, and autism, along with a team of experienced school psychologists. Count on us for thorough ASD evaluations and personalized interventions, ensuring precise diagnoses and comprehensive support.

What is Autism Screening and Diagnosis?

Autism Screening: Ever wondered, 'Does my child have autism?' Well, that's where autism screening and diagnosis come in. Think of screening as the first step – it's like a quick check to see if there are any signs or red flags that might suggest your child could have Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). During this stage, healthcare professionals or teachers use standardized tools to look for behaviors or developmental milestones that might be a bit different. It's a way to say, 'Hey, let's take a closer look.

ASD Spectrum Disorder Diagnosis: Our team, led by Dr. Chantal, specializes in autism screening and diagnosis. After ASD screening, we move on to a more detailed diagnostic assessment. This step, led by our experts, confirms the presence of autism and helps us understand how it affects your child. Early intervention and support are crucial, so don't hesitate to reach out.

Each individual on the Autism Spectrum is unique!

“If you’ve met one person with autism, you’ve met one person with autism.”

- Dr. Stephen Shore – Special Education Professor, Adelphi University, Advisory Board Member

Signs of Autism

  • Social Challenges: Individuals with autism often face difficulties in social situations. They may struggle with eye contact, forming relationships, and understanding social cues.
  • Communication Difficulties: Speech and language development delays, repetitive language patterns, and challenges in initiating conversations are common signs of autism.
  • Repetitive Behaviors: Look for repetitive movements like hand-flapping and resistance to changes in routines, as individuals with autism may insist on sameness.
  • Sensory Sensitivities: Many individuals with autism have heightened sensitivity to sensory stimuli, which can lead to unusual responses to lights, sounds, or textures.
  • Limited Interests: A narrow range of intense interests and difficulties with imaginative play are often observed in individuals with autism.
  • Emotional Regulation: Challenges in expressing and managing emotions can be seen, with some individuals becoming overwhelmed by sensory or emotional input.
  • Motor Skills: Difficulties in motor coordination or unusual posture may also be present.

It's important to note that the severity and combination of these signs can vary widely among individuals with autism. Additionally, early intervention and support can make a significant difference in helping individuals with autism develop skills and thrive. If you suspect autism in yourself or a loved one, seeking a professional evaluation is essential for a proper diagnosis and appropriate interventions.

Comprehensive autism diagnosis evaluation
Famous People with Autism

What does High Functioning Autism (Asperger's Syndrome) Look like?

High-functioning autism, previously called Asperger's Syndrome, is a term used to characterize individuals with autism who possess robust intellectual and language abilities but may grapple with certain social and behavioral challenges that are part of the broader autism spectrum disorder (ASD). It's crucial to recognize that the label "high-functioning" is subjective and does not encompass the entirety of the diverse autism spectrum experiences. So, let's delve into what characterizes high-functioning autism:

  1. Strong Language and Cognitive Abilities: Individuals with high-functioning autism typically have good verbal and nonverbal communication skills. They may have a rich vocabulary and may excel academically in certain areas of interest.
  2. Independence in Daily Activities: Many individuals with high-functioning autism can manage daily activities such as personal hygiene, dressing, and feeding themselves independently.
  3. Interest in Specific Topics: They often have intense interests in specific topics or hobbies and may become experts in these areas.
  4. Challenges in Social Interactions: Social challenges can still be present. Individuals with high-functioning autism may struggle with understanding social cues, forming friendships, and maintaining eye contact. They might prefer solitary activities or have difficulty with reciprocity in conversations.
  5. Sensory Sensitivities: Sensory sensitivities, such as sensitivity to lights, sounds, textures, or tastes, can still be a part of their experience.
  6. Routines and Repetitive Behaviors: Like others on the autism spectrum, individuals with high-functioning autism may prefer routines and rituals and may engage in repetitive behaviors.
  7. Emotional Regulation: Difficulties with emotional regulation and expression can be observed, including trouble recognizing and responding to the emotions of others.
  8. Anxiety and Other Co-Occurring Conditions: High-functioning autism is often associated with co-occurring conditions like anxiety, depression, or attention difficulties. These can present additional challenges.
  9. Strengths and Interests: They may have unique strengths and talents, often related to their specific areas of interest, and may excel in careers that align with these strengths.

It's important to remember that the term "high-functioning" can be misleading, as individuals with high-functioning autism can still face significant challenges in social and emotional domains. Each person with autism is unique, and their experiences vary widely. Early intervention, support, and understanding are crucial to help individuals with high-functioning autism thrive and reach their full potential.

Famous People with Autism:

Susan Boyle (Scottish singer, appeared on "Britain's Got Talent)

Heather Kuzmich (contestant on America's Next Top Model)

Anthony Hopkins (the acclaimed actor known for his performances as Hannibal Lecter in "The Silence of the Lambs")

Dan Aykroyd (actor and comedian).

Strengths of Individuals with Autism

Individuals with autism possess a remarkable array of strengths:

  1. Exceptional Focus: Many individuals with autism demonstrate intense focus and attention to detail, making them valuable in tasks that require precision and thoroughness.
  2. Unique Perspectives: Their distinctive way of thinking often leads to innovative problem-solving approaches and creative solutions.
  3. Strong Memory Skills: Many have excellent memory recall, which can be beneficial in various learning and professional contexts.
  4. Dedication and Perseverance: Their determination and commitment often lead to high levels of expertise and achievement in specific areas of interest.
  5. Honesty and Directness: Individuals with autism are often candid and straightforward in their communication, which can be refreshing and valuable in personal and professional relationships.
  6. Reliability: Many individuals with autism thrive on routines and schedules, making them reliable and consistent in their commitments.
  7. Attention to Detail: They often excel at noticing intricate details that others may overlook, making them valuable contributors in fields like science, engineering, and art.
  8. Passion and Enthusiasm: When engaged in a topic of interest, individuals with autism often display boundless enthusiasm and passion, driving their dedication and success.

These strengths underscore the importance of recognizing and nurturing the unique abilities of individuals with autism, fostering a more inclusive and appreciative society.


Accurate and thorough autism diagnosis services
"I don’t really understand why it’s considered normal to stare at someone’s eyeballs." – John Elder Robison

Autism Screening and Diagnosis in Plantation FL

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy was the very first specialized counseling method and learned and used as a young therapist. While I've learned many other counseling approaches since then, CBT remains one of my favorites.

My office is located in midtown Plantation Florida, just steps away from Weston, Davie, Cooper City, Sunrise, Tamarac, and Fort Lauderdale.

Making your first appointment is easy! Just call 954-559-2936 24-hours a day (a live person will actually speak with you and schedule your appointment), or schedule an appointment yourself using my online scheduling tool!